5 Myths About COVID That Are Killing My Friends And Family

We must beat this thing, so we can back to normal and kids can get back to school safely

Jordan F. Monroe
4 min readJul 30, 2021
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I live in one of the many COVID hotspots in the country and people I know are getting sick and dying all around me. Unfortunately, I don’t see things getting any better here. Many of my neighbors are convinced that the government is lying to them and COVID is not really that bad. Many refuse the vaccine because they are convinced that the vaccine contains aborted babies.

I have bad news for the rest of us. The feelings of those living in these hotspots will likely not change. As this recent poll shows, the minds of most unvaccinated people have decided to not get the vaccine and will probably not be persuaded otherwise.

It is so bad that some people where I live feel that they must hide the fact that they’ve taken the vaccine as reported here in USA TODAY.

We’ve all heard the stories of the “Karens” throwing fits about having to wear masks, but now we shame those who get the vaccine because we are all medical experts now and those who get the vaccine are nothing but sheep following the evil democratic socialist government and fake news.

I am so tired of this being politicized so here are some of the most common myths about the vaccine that I hear in my world along with some facts.

1. COVID-19 is no worse than the seasonal flu.

COVID-19 is more contagious and severe than the common flu. With the Delta variant running rampant now, it is much more contagious. We are also now seeing more people having serious lung injury at younger ages.

The vaccines can help prevent you from getting COVID and helps prevent you from getting seriously ill. It is important to remember that the vaccines are not 100% guarantee. However, the vaccines greatly increase your chances from getting the virus and serious illness.

Find out more here.

2. The number of COVID-19 deaths is much lower, and the disease is overblown.

The problem with this misinformation is that it greatly distorts the fact that those with pre-existing conditions would have lived longer if they had not contracted COVID.

To be clear, COVID-19 is a real disease that has affected the lives of millions worldwide.

Find out more here.

3. The vaccines are killing thousands of people.

This is so bad that it has been been around for decades and is now being used as a reason to not take the COVID vaccine. Anti-vaccine groups have used this misrepresentation of the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) for a long time to spread misinformation.

VAERS is a government database used to track “unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse events” after one is vaccinated. The database tracks “all serious adverse events following vaccination against COVID-19 — regardless of whether the vaccines are to blame.” So, this does not prove that the vaccine is killing thousands.

Find out more here.

4. Masks don’t work

COVID is spread primarily through respiratory droplets or “spit” that we release into the air when we talk, sneeze or cough. Cloth masks reduce these respiratory droplets and therefore reduce the transmission of the virus.

Find out more here.

5. The vaccines contain stem cells from aborted babies

In Southwest Missouri where I live this is a huge issue due to the many Evangelicals living in this area. Many in this area vote only because of their belief in the evil of abortion. For them every election is a single issue ballot.

This vaccine myth is simply not true. The COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells.

Personally I find it ironic that so may evangelicals are concerned about abortion but are careless with the lives of those who have already been born.

I do not understand how Evangelicals endangering their neighbors by not getting vaccinated or wearing masks illustrates Jesus’ words of “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

Anyway, I encourage you to get more information about how aborted fetal tissue is not used in the vaccines here.

Hopefully seeing the facts about some of the myths will help convince you or those around you to get vaccinated. Like all of us I desperately want to get past this pandemic and we can attend concerts and our kids can be back in school safely.

I realize that I am just a blogger and you have no reason to believe me. Unfortunately, the biggest problem is that those who are unvaccinated at this point will not listen to anyone outside of their bubble of close friends and misinformation on things like social media.

So, instead of listening to me or anyone else who is not a medical expert, please consult your doctor about the vaccine and get your own facts so we really can return to normal.



Jordan F. Monroe

Jordan is a writer, entrepreneur and business consultant. I write about mental health, entrepreneurship, and more. Visit me at www.jordanfmonroe.com